This page contains a list of all Blocks within BlockScript, along with their descriptions and links to their full details.
Name | Description | Pricing | Cloud Required |
<a href="/blocks/array/arraylength">Array Length</a> | Return the length of the given array | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/array/cleararray">Clear Array</a> | Empty an array of all it's elements | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/array/concatarrays">Concat Arrays</a> | Join two arrays together to form a single array | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/array/getatindex">Get At Index</a> | Get a value from an array at the given index | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/array/getfirst">Get First</a> | Get the first value from an array | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/array/getlast">Get Last</a> | Get the last value from an array | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/array/joinstrings">Join Strings</a> | Add each string in an array to a single string seperated by the separator string | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/array/pop">Pop</a> | Return a copy of the array without the last value, as well as the value it removed | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/array/push">Push</a> | Add the given value to the end of a copy of the array and return it | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/array/removeatindex">Remove At Index</a> | Remove a value from an array at the given index | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/array/reverse">Reverse</a> | Reverse the order of all elements in an array | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/array/sum">Sum</a> | Add all the values in a number array together | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/array/takeleft">Take Left</a> | Get the first 'Count' values from an Array | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/array/takeright">Take Right</a> | Get the last 'Count' values from an Array | Free ✅ | No |
Name | Description | Pricing | Cloud Required |
<a href="/blocks/arrayfunction/all">All</a> | Check if all items in an array match the given condition | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/arrayfunction/any">Any</a> | Check if any item exists in an array that matches the given condition | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/arrayfunction/countby">Count By</a> | Count the items in an array based on the result of the array function | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/arrayfunction/distinctby">Distinct By</a> | Finds unique items in an array based on the result of the array function | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/arrayfunction/find">Find</a> | Find the first item in an array that matches the given condition | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/arrayfunction/findindex">Find Index</a> | Find the index of the first item in an array that matches the given condition | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/arrayfunction/groupby">Group By</a> | Groups array items into a new object with the result of the array function as the keys and grouped results as the values | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/arrayfunction/map">Map</a> | Creates a new array of populated with the results of the array function | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/arrayfunction/orderby">Order By</a> | Orders an array based on the result of the array function | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/arrayfunction/remove">Remove</a> | Return all values in an array except those that match the given condition | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/arrayfunction/resolve">Resolve</a> | Provides the required value or condition for an array function | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/arrayfunction/sumby">Sum By</a> | Sum based on a value on each item in an array using the result of the array function | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/arrayfunction/where">Where</a> | Return all values in an array that match the given condition | Free ✅ | No |
Name | Description | Pricing | Cloud Required |
<a href="/blocks/booleanlogic/and">And</a> | Returns true if both inputs are true | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/booleanlogic/not">Not</a> | Return the opposite value of a boolean | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/booleanlogic/or">Or</a> | Returns true if either input is true | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/booleanlogic/xor">XOR</a> | Return true if either, but not both, inputs are true | Free ✅ | No |
Name | Description | Pricing | Cloud Required |
<a href="/blocks/converter/parsebooleanstring">Parse Boolean String</a> | Convert a string of the right format to a boolean | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/converter/parsedatestring">Parse Date String</a> | Convert a string of the right format to a date | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/converter/parsejsonstring">Parse JSON String</a> | Convert a JSON string to an object, or object array | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/converter/parsenumberstring">Parse Number String</a> | Convert a string of the right format to a number | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/converter/tostring">To String</a> | Convert a value to a string | Free ✅ | No |
Name | Description | Pricing | Cloud Required |
<a href="/blocks/dashifi/dashifibasicpanel">Dashifi Basic Panel</a> | Create the required object to update the information of a basic panel within Dashifi | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/dashifi/dashifichartpanel">Dashifi Chart Panel</a> | Create the required object to update the information of a chart panel within Dashifi | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/dashifi/dashifiupdatedashboard">Dashifi Update Dashboard</a> | Update a Dashboard on Dashifi | Free ✅ | No |
Name | Description | Pricing | Cloud Required |
<a href="/blocks/date/adddatevalues">Add Date Values</a> | Add to the different values that comprise a date | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/date/after">After</a> | Check if subject date after value date | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/date/before">Before</a> | Check if subject date before value date | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/date/datefromepoch">Date From Epoch</a> | Get a date from the specified epoch | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/date/datenow">Date Now</a> | Get current date and time | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/date/getdatevalues">Get Date Values</a> | Get the different values that comprise a date | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/date/getday">Get Day</a> | Get the day of the week (from 0 to 6) of the specified date | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/date/getepoch">Get Epoch</a> | Get the epoch of the specified date | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/date/millisecondsbetween">Milliseconds Between</a> | Get the milliseconds between two dates | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/date/setdatevalues">Set Date Values</a> | Set the different values that comprise a date | Free ✅ | No |
Name | Description | Pricing | Cloud Required |
<a href="/blocks/evaluator/equal">Equal</a> | Compare two values to determine if they are equal | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/evaluator/greaterthan">Greater Than</a> | Determine if the subject is greater than the given value | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/evaluator/isnotnull">Is Not Null</a> | Determine if the subject is not null | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/evaluator/isnull">Is Null</a> | Determine if the subject is null | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/evaluator/lessthan">Less Than</a> | Determine if the subject is less than the given value | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/evaluator/notequal">Not Equal</a> | Compare two values to determine if they are not equal | Free ✅ | No |
Name | Description | Pricing | Cloud Required |
<a href="/blocks/execution/conditionalvalue">Conditional Value</a> | Return one of two values based on a boolean condition | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/execution/delay">Delay</a> | Delay execution for the given number of milliseconds | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/execution/if">If</a> | Evaluate a boolean condition to determine the execution path | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/execution/return">Return</a> | The ending point for function execution | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/execution/start">Start</a> | The starting point for function execution | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/execution/throwerror">Throw Error</a> | Throws a custom error with the specified message | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/execution/try">Try</a> | Attempt to execute a path and catch any errors that occur | Free ✅ | No |
Name | Description | Pricing | Cloud Required |
<a href="/blocks/external/apicall">API Call</a> | Make an API Call | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/external/puppeteer">Puppeteer</a> | Run a Puppeteer script and return the result | Premium 👑 | Yes ☁ |
<a href="/blocks/external/xpath">XPath</a> | Use an XPath expression to select nodes from a html/ xml document | Free ✅ | No |
Name | Description | Pricing | Cloud Required |
<a href="/blocks/function/apicall">API Call</a> | A custom function | Free ✅ | No |
Name | Description | Pricing | Cloud Required |
<a href="/blocks/loop/break">Break</a> | Stop a loop from executing | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/loop/foreachloop">For Each Loop</a> | Execute a loop for each value in an array | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/loop/forloop">For Loop</a> | Execute a loop based on an incrementing value | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/loop/whileloop">While Loop</a> | Execute a loop while the given boolean variable remains true | Free ✅ | No |
Name | Description | Pricing | Cloud Required |
<a href="/blocks/numeric/absolute">Absolute</a> | Get the non-negative value of subject | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/numeric/add">Add</a> | Add two numeric values together | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/numeric/ceil">Ceil</a> | Round the subject up to the given number of decimal places | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/numeric/divide">Divide</a> | Divide the subject by the given value | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/numeric/floor">Floor</a> | Round the subject down to the given number of decimal places | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/numeric/modulo">Modulo</a> | Return the remainder of the subject divided by the given value | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/numeric/multiply">Multiply</a> | Multiply two numeric values together | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/numeric/power">Power</a> | Raise the subject to the power of the given value | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/numeric/root">Root</a> | Return the root of the subject | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/numeric/round">Round</a> | Round the subject to the given number of decimal places | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/numeric/subtract">Subtract</a> | Subtract the given value from the subject | Free ✅ | No |
Name | Description | Pricing | Cloud Required |
<a href="/blocks/object/deleteproperty">Delete Property</a> | Delete an object property by its name | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/object/getkeys">Get Keys</a> | Get a list of an objects property keys | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/object/getproperty">Get Property</a> | Get an object property by its name | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/object/getvalues">Get Values</a> | Get a list of an objects property values | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/object/renameproperty">Rename Property</a> | Rename an object property by its name | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/object/setproperty">Set Property</a> | Set an object property by its name | Free ✅ | No |
Name | Description | Pricing | Cloud Required |
<a href="/blocks/storage/storageclear">Storage Clear</a> | Delete all items in cross function storage | Premium 👑 | Yes ☁ |
<a href="/blocks/storage/storagedelete">Storage Delete</a> | Delete an item in cross function storage by its name | Premium 👑 | Yes ☁ |
<a href="/blocks/storage/storageget">Storage Get</a> | Get an item in cross function storage by its name | Premium 👑 | Yes ☁ |
<a href="/blocks/storage/storagelist">Storage List</a> | List item names and their expiry dates in cross function storage | Premium 👑 | Yes ☁ |
<a href="/blocks/storage/storageset">Storage Set</a> | Save an item in cross function storage with an optional expiration date | Premium 👑 | Yes ☁ |
Name | Description | Pricing | Cloud Required |
<a href="/blocks/string/camelcase">Camel Case</a> | Convert the first letter of every word except the first to uppercase and remove spaces | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/string/characterat">Character At</a> | Return the character at the given index of a string | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/string/concatstrings">Concat Strings</a> | Join two strings together | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/string/indexofcharacter">Index Of Character</a> | Find the index of the first instance of a chracter in a string | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/string/kebabcase">Kebab Case</a> | Convert all letters to lower case and seperate words with a hyphen | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/string/tolowercase">To Lower Case</a> | Return the given string converted to lower case | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/string/padend">Pad End</a> | Increase the length of a string to the required value by adding the provided characters to the end | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/string/padstart">Pad Start</a> | Increase the length of a string to the required value by adding the provided characters to the start | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/string/pascalcase">Pascal Case</a> | Convert the first letter of every word to uppercase and remove spaces | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/string/regexmatches">Regex Matches</a> | Return all matches of the regex pattern in the given string | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/string/regexreplace">Regex Replace</a> | Replace all matches of the regex pattern in the given string with the replacement value | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/string/replace">Replace</a> | Replace all instaces of the target in the given string with the replacement value | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/string/snakecase">Snake Case</a> | Convert all letters to lower case and seperate words with an underscore | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/string/splitstring">Split String</a> | Break a string into an array of values at each instance of the given separator | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/string/startcase">Start Case</a> | Convert the first letter of every word to uppercase seperate words with spaces | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/string/stringlength">String Length</a> | Return the length of the given string | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/string/substring">Substring</a> | Extract a number of characters from a specific point in the given string | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/string/trim">Trim</a> | Remove whitespace from both ends of the given string | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/string/touppercase">To Upper Case</a> | Return the given string converted to upper case | Free ✅ | No |
Name | Description | Pricing | Cloud Required |
<a href="/blocks/typing/asanyarray">As Any Array</a> | Apply any array typing without any modification to the underlying value | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/typing/asbooleanarray">As Boolean Array</a> | Apply boolean array typing without any modification to the underlying value | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/typing/asboolean">As Boolean</a> | Apply boolean typing without any modification to the underlying value | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/typing/asdatearray">As Date Array</a> | Apply date array typing without any modification to the underlying value | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/typing/asdate">As Date</a> | Apply date typing without any modification to the underlying value | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/typing/asnumberarray">As Number Array</a> | Apply number array typing without any modification to the underlying value | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/typing/asnumber">As Number</a> | Apply number typing without any modification to the underlying value | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/typing/asobjectarray">As Object Array</a> | Apply object array typing without any modification to the underlying value | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/typing/asobject">As Object</a> | Apply object typing without any modification to the underlying value | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/typing/asstringarray">As String Array</a> | Apply string array typing without any modification to the underlying value | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/typing/asstring">As String</a> | Apply string typing without any modification to the underlying value | Free ✅ | No |
Name | Description | Pricing | Cloud Required |
<a href="/blocks/utility/generateguid">Generate GUID</a> | Generate a random RFC4122 compliant GUID | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/utility/hash">Hash</a> | Create an identifying string representing a given value | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/utility/log">Log</a> | Log a value to view its contents | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/utility/randomnumber">Random Number</a> | Generates a random integer between the min and max (inclusive) | Free ✅ | No |
Name | Description | Pricing | Cloud Required |
<a href="/blocks/variable/declarearray">Declare Array</a> | Declare an empty array | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/variable/declareobject">Declare Object</a> | Declare an empty object | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/variable/getvariable">Get Variable</a> | Retrieve the value of the named variable | Free ✅ | No |
<a href="/blocks/variable/setvariable">Set Variable</a> | Update or create the named variable | Free ✅ | No |