Dashifi Basic Panel

Dashifi </br> Create the required object to update the information of a basic panel within <a href="https://dashifi.app" target="_blank">Dashifi</a> </br>


This Block is used to create an object which represents a Dashifi single value panel. An example of this object is below:

  "PanelID": "sv-0e647a",
  "Data": "My New Text Value"

This should be added into an array before sending to Dashifi through the <a href="/blocks/dashifi/dashifiupdatedashboard">Dashifi Update Dashboard Block</a>.


Input Parameters

Name Type
Panel ID <font color='#9b59b6'>String</font>
Data <font color='#f1c40f'>Any</font>


Output Parameters

Name Type
Panel <font color='#3498db'>Object</font>


Output Execution Pins

<center><font color='gray'>This Block has the standard Output Execution Pin</font></center>

Additional Details

This Block is used to help craft an API request for Dashifi, more information about the Dashifi REST API can be found at: <a href="https://docs.dashifi.app" target="_blank">https://docs.dashifi.app</a>.

This Block can be used along side the <a href="/blocks/dashifi/dashifiupdatedashboard">Dashifi Update Dashboard Block</a>.